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SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

Table of Contents
Volume 17, Issue 2, pp. 305-559

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Moving Mesh Methods for Problems with Blow-Up

Chris J. Budd, Weizhang Huang, and Robert D. Russell

pp. 305-327

High-Accuracy Finite-Difference Schemes for Linear Wave Propagation

David W. Zingg, Harvard Lomax, and Henry Jurgens

pp. 328-346

A Nonlinear, Subgridscale Model for Incompressible viscous Flow Problems

William J. Layton

pp. 347-357

A Numerical Method for the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations Based on an Approximate Projection

Ann S. Almgren, John B. Bell, and William G. Szymczak

pp. 358-369

Resurrecting Core Spreading Vortex Methods: A New Scheme that is Both Deterministic and Convergent

Louis F. Rossi

pp. 370-397

Fast Fourier Transform Accelerated Fast Multipole Algorithm

William D. Elliott and John A. Board, Jr.

pp. 398-415

Computation of Pseudo-Differential Operators

Gang Bao and William W. Symes

pp. 416-429

Boundary Layer Resolving Pseudospectral Methods for Singular Perturbation Problems

Tao Tang and Manfred R. Trummer

pp. 430-438

Towards Automatic Multigrid Algorithms for SPD, Nonsymmetric and Indefinite Problems

Yair Shapira, Moshe Israeli, and Avram Sidi

pp. 439-453

Alternating-Direction Line-Relaxation Methods on Multicomputers

Jörn Hofhaus and Eric F. Van de Velde

pp. 454-478

Runge–Kutta Software with Defect Control for Boundary Value ODEs

W. H. Enright and P. H. Muir

pp. 479-497

The Differentiation Matrix for Daubechies-Based Wavelets on an Interval

Leland Jameson

pp. 498-516

A Data Smoothing Technique for Piecewise Convex/Concave Curves

W. Li, D. Naik, and J. Swetits

pp. 517-537

An Analysis of Approximate Nonlinear Elimination

Paul J. Lanzkron, Donald J. Rose, and James T. Wilkes

pp. 538-559